Saturday, 2 May 2009

John Charles de Menezes, RIP

Never has Wright been so wrong.
Sir Michael Wright, a coroner's song
Of an Underground killing.
Only one afternoon, the media's top billing.
An inquest by jury. A family mournful.
Yet the judge ruled it couldn't be unlawful.
Eleven citizens whose open verdict would normally give
Them opportunity to comment in a narrative.
Gagged in the court by a simple questionnaire.
Tick Yes/No, or Don't really care.
A knighted gentleman of English civility.
Versed in the ways of corrupted legality.
Police collective unrecollection.
The Met given the Crown's protection.
Testimonies of a Brazilian man dying.
Witnesses proved that the blue were lying.
Manipulated photographs. It's common sense
That defines this as tampering with evidence.
The coroner excuses the police practice of dishonesty brought.
If you or I, it would be seen as contempt of court.
The police were stuck like shit to fly paper.
But the protector of the law was a justice taker.
Bullets to the head, released by the police.
John Charles de Menezes. May he Rest in Peace.

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